Sunday, January 12, 2014

Updates and A Sissy Caption - The Golden Rule

I just wanted to remind you all that my book A Warrior Reborn is still available for purchase at Smashwords.  Quite  a few of you have purchased a copy over the past couple of months, so thank you for that.  The proceeds from that go a long way to making this whole endeavor self-sufficient.  I do ask that if you've purchased it, though, please, leave a review. It doesn't have to be a text review - a simple rating would go a long way.

In other news, this blog has crested the fifteen thousand pageviews per day mark for six straight days.  I'm not sure where the influx of traffic is coming from (previously, we averaged about 13k), but I like it!  Keep it up.  Spread the word.  And continue to enjoy the captions.

As always, thanks to you all for being fans!  Here's today's caption: